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Past Strummer Room Records Presents Events

It all started with BodFest in 2013. We have been putting on gigs ever since and have hosted hundreds of bands and musicians over the years.


Saturday 13th July 2013 - BodFest '13 

Uninvited / Peerless Pirates / The Cellar Family / X-1 / Dance a la Plage / Von Braun / Punch Drunk Monkey Club / ArtClassSink / HalfDecent / Mundane Sands / Manny O / Ioneye / BushFieldSmith / Tiger Mendoza / Jordan O'Shea / The Drakes / Argos & Monster / Chris Living / The Headington Hillbillies / The Method / Simon Dwight / Barney Beauregard / Nijinxsy

Monday 26th August 2013 - Seacourt Bridge, Botley, Oxford

Punch Drunk Monkey Club / Argos & Monster / Chris Living / Barney Beauregard

Friday 27th September 2013 - Millers Bar, The Mill, Banbury (The Road to BodFest 14)

Punch Drunk Monkey Club / BellyEyeSmile / Chris Living / Manny O / DJ Screaming Jack Hawkins

Friday 25th October 2013 - Millers Bar, The Mill, Banbury (The Road to BodFest 14)

Small Time Hero / Half Decent / The Method / Domino Fire / DJ Screaming Jack Hawkins

Friday 29th November 2013 - Millers Bar, The Mill, Banbury (The Road to BodFest 14)

Mundane Sands / Tiger Mendoza / Mary BendyToy / X-1 / DJ Screaming Jack Hawkins

Saturday 7th December 2013 - Seacourt Bridge, Botley, Oxford

Lucky Club / Charlie Leavy

Friday 13th December 2013 - Castle House, Banbury

Small Time Hero / BushFieldSmith / Charlie Leavy / Rob Lanyon / Bradley Taylor

Sunday 15th December 2013 - Castle House, Banbury

Jack Little / Rob Lanyon / Bradley Taylor


Friday 24th January 2014 - Castle House, Banbury

Spinner Fall / Eagle & Weeks / Bradley Taylor / Simon Dwight

Friday 28th February 2014 - Castle House, Banbury

The Shapes / Masiro / Punch Drunk Monkey Club / Blood Red Stars

Friday 14th March 2014 - Castle House, Banbury

Matt Edwards Band / Small Time Hero / Cardboard Castle

Friday 28th March 2014 - Castle House, Banbury

Peerless Pirates / Vienna Ditto / Myrrh Room / DJ Screaming Jack Hawkins

Saturday 12th April 2014 - Castle House, Banbury

Half Decent / Punch Drunk Monkey Club / Charlie Leavy / BLNK (DJ set)

Friday 25th April 2014 - Castle House, Banbury

The Missing Persians / Beard of Destiny / The August List

Sunday 18th May 2014 - The Bell, Bicester

Spinner Fall / Blood Red Stars

Friday 30th May 2014 - Castle House, Banbury

The Traps / The Other Dramas / The Trophy Cabinet / Swindlestock

Friday 27th June 2014 - Castle House, Banbury

Barry & The Beachcombers / The Lucky Club / Webs & Marionettes

Friday 11th/ Saturday 12th July 2014 - Castle House, Banbury (STRUMMERFEST 14)

2 twenty 2 / auralcandy / Punch Drunk Monkey Club / The Reckless Sleepers / Spinner Fall / The Other Dramas / Kastaphor / Dash the Baptist / Freddy Le Cragg / Charlie Leavy / Jack Little (Musician) / Alice Victoria / Beaver Fuel / Myrrh Room / Simon Dwight / Eb Hill / Bradley Taylor / Katy Jackson / Small Time Hero / Pipa Moran / Rob Lanyon / BLNK Dan Nash / Karl Herring / Erin Tiger Lilley / Taylor Taylor-Louise / Alan Jaggs / Joe Dolman

Friday 29th August 2014 - Castle House, Banbury

Bright Works / Flights of Helios / Wardens

Thursday 11th September 2014 - The Bell, Bicester

The Matt Edwards Band / Punch Drunk Monkey Club / Alice Victoria

Friday 3rd October 2014 - The Jericho Tavern, Oxford

Peerless Pirates / Vienna Ditto / The Other Dramas / Charlie Leavy

Thursday 9th October 2014 - The Bell, Bicester

Bad Reign / Fault-Line / Rob Lanyon

Sunday 12th October 2014 - Pig Pen Pottery, Bloxham (Apple Day)

Charlie Leavy / Katy Jackson / Freddy Le Cragg / Alice Victoria / Alan Jaggs / & Will Homewood 

Thursday 13th November 2014 - The Bell, Bicester

The Pink Diamond Revue / The Other Dramas / Kid Kin

Thursday 11th December 2014 - The Bell, Bicester

Beard of Destiny / Leper King / Alan Jaggs / Pipa Moran


Friday 16th January 2015 - The Jericho Tavern, Oxford

Torn Like Colours / The Shapes / Silverspark

Saturday 7th February 2015 - The Jericho Tavern, Oxford

auralcandy / Webs & Marionettes / Katy Jackson

Thursday 12th February 2015 - The Bell, Bicester

Beware This Boy / Safety in Numbers / Alice Victoria

Saturady 28th February 2015 - The Montebello, Brighton

The Pink Diamond Revue / The Other Dramas / Charlie Leavy

Saturday 7th March 2015 - The Jericho Tavern, Oxford

Matt Edwards Band / Robot Swans / Leper King

Thursday 12th March 2015 - The Bell, Bicester

Webs & Marionettes / Callow Saints / Paul Gibson

Saturday 21st March 2015 - The Jericho Tavern, Oxford

The Pink Diamond Revue / Sam Martin / Rob Lanyon / Emma Hunter

Thursday 9th April 2015 - The Bell, Bicester

Arcane / Blame Fate / After The Thought / Graham Hooper

Saturday 18th April 2015 - The Cellar, Oxford

Zounds / Yorkshire Rats / Spinner Fall

Saturday 2nd May 2015 - The Jericho Tavern, Oxford

Zurich / Redhead / Jack Little / Sam Martin

Thursday 14th May 2015 - The Bell, Bicester

Torn Like Colours / Get Loose / Chris Gillett

Wednesday 20th May 2015 - Fat Lils, Witney

The Other Dramas / Spinner Fall / Beard of Destiny

Saturday 2nd May 2015 - The Jericho Tavern, Oxford

Death of HiFi / Tiger Mendoza / Half Decent / Kid Kin

Friday 12th / Saturday 13th June 2015 - The Bell, Bicester (STRUMMERFEST 15)

auralcandy / The Missing Persians / The Other Dramas / Cardboard Castle / Ben Pilston Music / 

Vienna Ditto / Matt Edwards Band / The Pink Diamond Revue / Callow Saints / Sam Martin / Safety in Numbers / Chris Gillett / 31hours / Robert Lanyon / Erin Tiger Lilley / Alice Victoria / Paul Gibson / Alan Jaggs

Wednesday 17th June 2015 - Fat Lils, Witney

Solidarity / Emi McDade / Jasmine Beth

Wednesday 29th July 2015 - Fat Lils, Witney

Punch Drunk Monkey Club / Leper King / Blame Fate

Thursday 13th August 2015 - The Bell, Bicester

Noe & The Pastel Frontier / Ravens / S&M

Saturday 22nd August 2015 - St. leonards Church, Grimsbury, Banbury (GRIMSBURY MUSIC FESTIVAL)

Callow Saints / The Other Dramas / Punch Drunk Monkey Club / Cardboard Castle / Half Decent / Katy Jackson

Wednesday 2nd September 2015 - Fat Lils, Witney

Callow Saints / Factory Lights / Charlie Leavy

Thursday 10th September 2015 - The Bell, Bicester

Haze / The String Project / Mudslide Morris

Wednesday 23rd September 2015 - Fat Lils, Witney

Haze / Georgie Bird / Daniel Eagle / Alan Jaggs

Saturday 26th September 2015 - The Atic, Banbury

auralcandy / Freddie Le Cragg

Wednesday 30th September 2015 - Fat Lils, Witney

Seven O'Clock Junkies / 31 Hours / Kid Kin

Wednesday 7th October 2015 - Fat Lils, Witney

Cosmosis / Ghosts in the Photographs

Thursday 8th October 2015 - The Bell, Bicester

Leper King / Silo 18 / Beaver Fuel

Saturday 24th October 2015 - St. Leonards Church, Grimsbury, Banbury (GRIMSBURY FRINGE)

Matt Edwards Band / Beard of Destiny / Sam Martin / All Is Worth

Thursday 10th December 2015 - The Bell, Bicester

Sinfiction / La Phooka / Factory Lights


Saturday 26th March 2016 - The Wheatsheaf, Banbury (PDMC EP Launch)

Punch Drunk Monkey Club / Ravens / Daniel Eagle / Charlie Leavy

Saturday 3rd September 2016 - The Wheatsheaf, Banbury

The Pink Diamond Revue / Cherokii / Spinner Fall / Ravens

Saturday 12th November 2016 - The Wheatsheaf, Banbury

Kanadia / Noe & The Pastel Frontier / Jasmine Beth

Saturday 10th December 2016 - The Wheatsheaf, Banbury

Callow Saints / auralcandy / The Other Dramas


Saturday 30th September 2017 - The Jericho Tavern, Oxford (Spinner Fall EP Launch)

Spinner Fall / The Workhouse / Ghosts in the Photographs


Saturday 22nd July 2023 - Strummer Room Records Cafe

The Pink Diamond Revue / The Long Time Dead

Sunday 20th August 2023 - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Ghosts in the Photographs

Saturday 30th September 2023 - Strummer Room Records Cafe

Beard of Destiny / BarrelHaus / The Long Time Dead

Sunday 1st October 2023 - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

The Long Time Dead

Saturday 7th October 2023 - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Beard of Destiny

Saturday 14th October 2023 - Strummer Room Records Cafe (National Album Day)

Life Underground / Simon Dwight / Paul William Gibson

Saturday 28th October 2023 - Strummer Room Records Cafe

Ghosts in the Photographs / The Exact Opposite / Life Underground

Saturday 25th November 2023 - Strummer Room Records Cafe

Dead Anyway / Maisy's Rainbow Dream / The Foam Heads


Saturday 3rd February 2024 - Strummer Room Records Cafe

Spinner Fall / 46 Prime / Mystery Biscuit

Friday 16th February - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

The Pink Diamond Revue / The Long Time Dead / Queen Eleanor's Cross

Saturday 2nd March 2024 - Strummer Room Records Cafe

Emma Hunter / Dolly Mavies / Secret Rivals

Friday 15th March - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Lake Acacia / The Arboretum / Simon Dwight

Friday 22nd March 2024 - Strummer Room Records Cafe

Whiff of Horse

Friday 19th April - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Dead Anyway / The Exact Opposite / Life Underground

Saturday 20th April 2024 - Strummer Room Records Cafe (Record Store Day)

Simon Dwight / Helen Pearson / Dom James Jr.

Friday 17th May - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Ghosts in the Photographs / Dogmilk / Nothing Dreams

Friday 21st June - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

The Faith Healers / BarrelHaus / Helen Pearson

Friday 5th July- The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

The Long Time Dead / Das Ghoul / Queen Eleanor's Cross

Saturday 13th July - Banbury United Football Club


Friday 19th July- The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

The Foam Heads / iiis / Dom James Jr.

Friday 2nd August - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Top Shortage / Septic & The Tanks / MorTi

Friday 23rd/Saturday 24th August - Ap Tap Fest

featuring 11 bands/musicians over 2 days. Raising funds for local small animal charity - BARKS

Friday night - BushFieldSmith / The Kokroachez / Moogieman

Saturday - Means of Production / Tiger Mendoza / Neon Nights / Dead Anyway / Spank Hair / Wundabyte / Helen Pearson / Simon Dwight

Friday 6th September - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Wundabyte / The Muthas / Hybrid Kid

Friday 20th September - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Shaven Primates / London Graffiti / Safety Jacket

Friday 4th October - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Order#227 / In-Flight Movie / z-x

Friday 18th October - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Balkan Wanderers / Beard of Destiny / Nothing Dreams

Friday 1st November - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Septic and the Tanks / Means of Production / Dream Phone

Friday 15th November - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Spinner Fall / 46 Prime / Gutter Puppy

Friday 6th December - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

Maisy's Rainbow Dream / Vendetta Deluxe / Water Chestnuts

Friday 20th December - The Apothecary Tap, Banbury

The Pink Diamond Revue / Peerless Pirates / Cholly


Friday 17th January

Analogue Electronic Whatever / Baby Maker / Mortifi'd

Friday 7th February 

Rufus Goodlove / Black Hats / King Panic

© 2024 The Strummer Room Records

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