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The Bodicote Festival first took place in 2000 to celebrate the millenium. It has taken place every year since. The original festival was held in Kingsfield and centred around a weekend of family fun including a barn dance, hog roast, live music and fairground activities amongst other things.


The orginal committee retired in 2012 and handed over the reigns to a new organising group. BodFest'13 was moved into the heart of the village and focused around the

pubs, restaurant and church, with a family arena at Town Furlong. We had a festival style street market, a food court and 23 bands/musicians playing across two stages. The day passed successfully with many 1000's visiting us on the day.


BodFest'14 aspires to be bigger and better, with more of the village closed to through traffic, an extra music stage and a DJ tent, extended street market and food court and lots of things for the family to get involved in.


On the run up, we have plenty of fundraisers planned. 

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